- Co-author with Achim Wennmann of Business and Conflict in Fragile States: The Case for Pragmatic Solutions (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2016)
- Editor and lead author of Management in Complex Environments: Questions for Leaders (Stockholm: NIR, 2013)
- Co-author with Roger Fisher et al. of Coping With International Conflict: A Systematic Approach to Influence in International Negotiation (Prentice Hall 1997)
- Editor of Roger Fisher et al., Beyond Machiavelli: Tools for Coping With Conflict (Harvard University Press 1994)
Book Chapters & Articles
- Co-author with Herbert M’cloed of The persistence of fragility in Sierra Leone. In State Fragility: Cases and Comparisons (N. Bizhan, ed.) London: Routledge (2023, forthcoming).
- Co-author with Wit Henisz and Tony He of Business and Peace: The Impact of Firm-Stakeholder Relational Strategies on Conflict Risk, in Academy of Management Review (2022, Vol. 47:2).
- Co-author with Wit Henisz and Tony He of “Us” and “Them”: Corporate Strategic Activism, Horizontal Inequalities, and Society’s Capacity to Address Its Grand Challenges, in Global Strategy Journal (2022).
- Co-author with Sarah Cechvala et al. of What COVID-19 Taught Us About Doing Business During a Crisis. Harvard Business Review (November 2021).
- Co-author with Kristian Hoelscher of Theorizing MSMEs in Contexts of Urban Violence, in Journal of Illicit Economies and Development (2020, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 222-241)
- Co-author with Herbert M’cleod of Private sector development and the persistence of fragility in Sierra Leone, in Business and Politics (2019, Vol 21, No. 4, 602-631)
- Co-author with John Luiz and Achim Wennmann of Business Environment Reforms in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: From a Transactions towards a Systems Approach, in Journal of International Business Policy (2019, Vol 2, No. 3, pp. 217-236)
- Author of Business and Peace: A Need for New Questions and Systems Perspectives, in Business and Peacebuilding: Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (2019, J. Miklian, ed.), London: Routledge (download PDF preview for access)
- Author of Business (not) for peace: Incentives and disincentives for corporate engagement on good governance and peaceful development in the African context, in South African Journal of International Affairs (2019, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1-24)
- Author of Plumbing for Peace, in Indivisible: Global Leaders on Shared Security (2018, Ru Freeman and Kerri Kennedy, eds.). Northhampton, MA: Olive Branch Press
- Co-author with Achim Wennmann of The Corporation and Violent Conflict: Perspectives, Policy Responses and Future Trends, in Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation, A. Noelke and C. May, eds. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2017)
- Co-author with Achim Wennmann of Business and Institutional Reform in Hybrid Political Orders, in Institutional Reforms and Peace Building (London: Routledge, 2016, N. Ansorg & S. Kurtenbach, eds.)
- Author of Business and conflict in fragile environments: Capabilities for conflict prevention, in Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Journal 7(2) 121-139 (2014)
- Co-author with Diana Chigas of Grand Visions and Small Projects: Notes from the Field in South Eastern Europe, in Imagine Coexistence: Restoring Humanity after Violent Conflict (Jossey Bass 2003, Antonia Chayes & Martha Minow, editors)
Reports & Papers
- Co-author with Herbert M’cleod of The Assessment of Fragility and Resilience in the Mano River Subregion: Diagnoses and Prescriptions for the Persistence of Fragility (2022).
- Author of Private sector development in fragile states: A peacebuilding approach. Institute for Security Studies (2021).
- Author of South African Conflict Futures. IFR Business Futures South Africa 2020. Stellenbosch: Institute for Futures Research (2020).
- Author of Business (not) for peace: A call for conflict-sensitive policy in fragile states. South African Institute for International Affairs Policy Briefing 182 (May 2019)
- Interview, Business as Peace-builder. Special Report on Business Ethics: Business for Peace. Knowledge@Wharton and AKO Foundation (May 2019), pp. 4-7
- Co-author of A Seat at the Table: Capacities and Limitations of Private Sector Peacebuilding. Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement, CDA and PRIO (2019)
- Co-author with Herbert M’cleod of The underlying causes of fragility and instability in Sierra Leone. London: Commission on State Fragility, Growth and Development (2018)
- Author of Access to remedy through consensual processes, Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement Working Paper Series 2018/2.
- Author of Companies in fragile contexts: Redefining social investment, Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement Working Paper Series 2018/1
- Co-author with Achim Wennmann and John Luiz of Study of Operational Experience of Business Environment Reform Programming in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States. London: DIFD (11 July 2017)
- Co-author with Jason Miklian and Peer Schouten of From Boardrooms to Battlefields: 5 New Ways that Businesses Claim to Build Peace. Harvard International Review (10 June 2016)
- Author of Building Community-Centred Stakeholder Engagement: A Conflict Resolution Approach. Heinrich Böll Stiftung Perspectives (Issue 1, April 2016)
- Author of Business and Conflict in Fragile States: The Case for Pragmatic Solutions. GREAT Insights 5(1) 12-14 (2016)
- Author of Company-Community Mediation: Application of Standards, Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement Working Paper Series 2016/3.
- Co-author
with Achim Wennmann of Operationalising
Conflict Prevention as Strong, Resilient Systems: Approaches, Evidence, Action
Points (Geneva: Geneva Peacebuilding
Platform 2012)
Case Studies & Teaching Materials
- Author of “The best way to pay back employees is to look after their children": Wilmar’s path towards responsible sustainability management. GCF Case Story Series No. 4. Stockholm: Global Child Forum (2021).
- Author of “Power, direction, and hope”: An evaluation of Hand in Hand Eastern Africa’s First Decade. Stockholm and Cape Town: Hand in Hand and Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement
- Author of Confronting history, engaging the future: Hydro Brazil’s journey towards social sustainability. GCF Case Story Series No. 3. Stockholm: Global Child Forum (2018)
- Author of The Most Important People in the World: IKEA’s Broadening Perspective on the Best Interest of the Child. GCF Case Story Series No. 2. Stockholm: Global Child Forum (2016)
- Author of From Promise to Performance: Stora Enso’s Journey towards Mitigating Child Labour. GCF Case Story Series No. 1. Stockholm: Global Child Forum (2015)
- Editor for the ACCESS Facility series, Reflections from Practice, highlighting insights from senior company-community mediators
- Editor for the ACCESS Facility case story series on company - community conflict resolution processes and author of the case story, Resolving Labour Issues in the Electronics Industry in Mexico (2013)
- Co-author with Kate Kopischke of Advanced Training for Company-Community Mediation in Complex Environments: Model Curriculum. The Hague: ACCESS Facility (2015).
- Author of multiple case stories on business engagement in fragile contexts published in Management in Complex Environments: Questions for Leaders (Stockholm: International Council of Swedish Industry 2013)
Editorials & Press
- Network for Business Sustainability. 5 Ways Businesses Contribute to Conflict—and How They Can Contribute to Peace. B the Change 2022.
- New paradigm needed to inspire corporations Africa needs. Daily Maverick 2022.
- Conflict environments need a peacebuilding approach to business development. ISS Today 2022.
- How Managers Can Design Socially Inclusive Strategies. Strategic Management Society 2022 (with Wit Henisz and Tony He).
- Dear Development Finance Institutions: It’s time for an intervention, Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, February 2022.
- Shell’s ‘corporate social responsibility’ in its intent to mine the Wild Coast is worse than greenwashing, Mail & Guardian, 1 December 2021.
- Human rights are embedded in Township enterprises, Mail & Guardian, 26 March 2021
- Land reform: Is there a right and a wrong? Network 24, 20 February 2020
- Time for mining companies to take responsibility, Financial Mail, 24 January 2020
- Economic and philanthropic activities in conflict zones don’t bring peace, Voices 360, 26 June 2019
- How business can play a peace-positive role in conflict. Pretoria News, 26 June 2019
- Let’s talk about how business and human rights are inextricably linked. Business Day, 2 April 2019
- How addressing power relations can propel mining forward. Fin24, 6 February 2019
- Dual mining indabas show gulf between corporate and social concerns. Sunday Times, 27 January 2019
- Could your business survive a revolution? Africa Business Insight, 21 August 2018
- The Risky Business of De-Risking in Fragile and Conflict Affected States. CDA, 16 December 2017
- Tackle the root of the problem before it spirals out of control. Business Day Live, 2 August 2017
- In Africa, some multinationals are too farsighted. Business Day Live, 19 September 2016
- Actionable insight requires analysis of causes rather than conditions. OECD November 2015
- Is dialogue working? We need more dialogue to find out. London School of Economics October 2015